UFO-Alien Database

Turtle Island, or North America, is a blood soaked land after colonialism from the 1500s[1] to the 1900s, from Mexico to the United States, and as far north as Canada.

Turtle Island

Before colonialism, the land was generally known by First Nations people as “Turtle Island”, situated on "Great Turtle" (Earth,[2] as they understood the curvature of the Earth’s horizon line).

German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller created a map in 1507 that depicted the “New World” and called it "America", having named it after Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci.[3]

Exploration led to the invasion of Turtle Island, involving many commanders from the European World, since 1500.[1] Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés ravaged Mexico for Spain. George Washington battled for the States. Napoleon Bonaparte menaced peace for French Canada.[4]

Since the invasion, First Nations people have been subjected to cataloged names like an “Indian reservation”, such as “Native”, “Injun”, a cross corruption of “Indian” and “Indigenous peoples of the Americas”, and “Native American”.[5]


asdzą́ą́ nádleehé
woman who changes


there are eggshells everywhere - be careful where you step


punctuation came from fifth century bce greek playwrights[6]
ancient written languages in their original forms like sanskrit – arabic – korean – chinese – japanese – etc used little or no punctuation[6]
capitalization of words derive from european languages particularly latin[7]
grammar articles such as “the” “a” “an” “this” “that” derive from latin languages whereas classical greek only used one article using many different forms and conveyed differently[8] ancient greek may have had very limited form of the article

