UFO-Alien Database
This article is about a lecture on the origins of Ashtar, Ashtar Command, and Ashtar Sheran

Translated from the French article, Extrait du n° 7 - 8 de Juillet - Août 1967 de la revue " L’Heure d’Être " (2008) by Frédéric

Extract from n ° 7 - 8 of July - August 1967 of the review "L’Heure d'Etre" (In Hours to Come) Kindly provided by Fred Idylle, from the ARTivision site.

Frédéric's notes (webmaster): (updated June 22, 2008).


In Days to Come by Ethel P. Hill (1957)

After some research, I finally discovered where this pipeline came from which I had published so far on this page under the name of "To our friends on the planet Shan, Hi!". It is a set of extracts from an American work released in 1957, entitled In Days to Come. This book (cover image on left) was written between 1954 and beginning 1955, by a channeler named Ethel P. Hill and published in the USA by New Age Publishing co., that is to say ten years before this translation française de 1967. This work collects a number of Ashtar pipelines which she received at the time through automatic writing. I did not find any information on this Ethel P. Hill who, according to her editor, wanted to remain anonymous. It is obviously the only book she has published, although she intended to write a second volume.

What had appeared in 1967 in the French review L'Heure d'Être could not therefore have come from the Speer Group of Berlin (MFK - Berlin), despite the presence of the illustration of Ashtar which is well taken from their mediumnic works. The drawing [of Ashtar] was undoubtedly especially used for the review In Hours to Come to illustrate this American channeling for their issue numbers 7 and 8. The Speer Group of Berlin was well known at this time. The review In Hours to Come has without doubt easily borrowed the graphic material from another of their article numbers to illustrate texts from the USA.

Originally, three clues led me to believe that this pipeline could not have come from the Berlin Group:

  1. / The Earth is here designated under the name of SHAN, while the Berlin Group has always used it under the name of EARTH ("ERDE" in German);
  2. / UFOs are designated as VENTIALS, while the Speer Group often used the term VIMANAS;
  3. / Ashtar signs this message by ASHTAR only, and not by ASHTAR SHERAN which has always been used by the Speer Group in Berlin (cf. with a signature below of the German drawing).

The vocabulary used here in this French translation has always had rather an American origin for me, used most often in the 1950s by the group of George Van Tassel. This is the reason why, I perceived that these texts could come from a member close to his group.

In any case, this French translation, from a 1967 review, is one of the oldest from Ashtar that we received in France at that time, and therefore deserves to be included here. Clearly, what appeared in this French-speaking issue were nothing more than extracts from the work that we compiled to form only one channel. In Days to Come consists of an introduction and 15 chapters. The text presented here presents the introduction to the book and all the chapters up to the 15th. Obviously, the French version presented in issues 7 and 8 of the review L'Heure d'Être could certainly have tackled only the first 7 chapters of the book. The following ones will undoubtedly have been the subject of only a translation in number 9. But I am not sure, because already, as the chapters currently translated, we feel that the translator leaves more and more paragraphs aside. Without doubt, he will not have gone further than in this summer issue 1967. To be confirmed.

The American work is very important because it allows us to better understand and situate the genesis of the channeled spiritual themes that we have until today. These channeled texts are to my knowledge the first to give information on the fact that Jesus, who will later be called Sananda, is the one who sends the fleet of Ashtar (who by the way repeatedly claims to come from Venus) on Earth, information voluntarily denied in the French translation at the time. A hint is also given on the passage of humanity into the 4th dimension! Justice is done today, by completing this French translation of its full text (in English for the moment) in order to have a better overview. Obviously, the ideal is to have a new complete translation in French, but given the time that is devoted to me, this will be done drop by drop.

Fred Idylle, of the ARTIVISION site, who kindly offered me the text from the review L'Heure d'être, only had a photocopy of this article. I preferred to insert the yellow paragraphs in yellow so that you can compare them with the translated French version. The parts in dark blue are the comments of the French translator of the review, Robert Lutz. As you will see, this one excluded many whole sections of texts in the French translation, where he deliberately excluded the religious passages expressed by Ashtar, in particular, when he evokes Jesus Christ. These systematic "censorships", in my opinion, distort the original overall message expressed by the Commander. This is the reason, it is necessary to take the text translated into French with caution because I suspect the translator to have also borrowed some sentences of Ashtar Sheran resulting from the pipelines of the Group of Berlin (already that it borrowed them 'illustration of Ashtar by Uwe Speer). I will clarify this when you pass over it.

Finally, for those who wanted to see the original translated page, I published on this link the French text (incomplete in its translation), but without the English texts, in order to have an overview of what was printed in France, and for better ease of reading the only French text.

Good reading



To Our Friends on the Planet Shan—Greetings!

A nos amis de la planète Shan [Terre] - Salut !

Our presence and our purpose grow increasingly clear to all unbiased and unprejudiced people of your earth and thousands eagerly await our visible appearance. While there is ample ground for the belief that we are able to perform what to you appears as miracles, we wish it clearly understood we have nothing in common with charlatans performing legerdemain tricks, either for purposes of entertainment or to "prove" our reality. Every move we make is in pursuance of a well considered plan. I speak for all of us who have embarked upon this somewhat thankless task of rendering assistance to beleaguered dwellers on the planet Shan.

Notre présence, et notre intention deviennent de plus en plus claires pour un nombre croissant de personnes sans préjugés. Des milliers d'habitants de la Terre attendent avec impatience notre apparition visible. Parce que vous avez de grandes raisons de croire que nous sommes capables d'accomplir ce que vous croyez être des miracles, nous désirons qu'il soit clairement compris que nous n'avons rien de commun avec des charlatans qui auraient à prouver la réalité de leur existence. Chaque geste de nous est conçu selon un plan bien déterminé. Je parle au nom de nous tous, qui nous sommes engagés dans cette mission assez ingrate de prêter assistance aux habitants assiégés de la planète Shan (La Terre est assiégée par des forces du mal sous bien des formes).

