UFO-Alien Database

UFO-Alien Database UFO-Alien Database 6 April 2021

Matilda O'Donnell

The story of Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy.

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UFO-Alien Database UFO-Alien Database 23 December 2020

UFO Wiki in Chinese

UFO Wiki proudly welcomes the Chinese community. A FANDOM wiki is being created in Chinese language. You can see progress here at https://feipan.fandom.com/zh/wiki/盤飛.

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UFO-Alien Database UFO-Alien Database 2 July 2020

Mudras and Mantras

Here are some thoughts to keep in mind when working with chakras. See Mudras & Mantras.


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Avatartar20 Avatartar20 25 August 2019

Dear citizen,

Dear United States citizen, from a fellow United States citizen,

We live in the Dark Ages of the United States of America. Karla Turner discovered that not only is the program still going on, but it is connected to UFO Alien abductions. On 10 January 1996, Turner died while having been infected with a highly rapid cancer that supposedly killed her within 1 year of diagnoses. Thereabouts the same day, Phil Schneider dies under mysterious circumstances (See Testimony of Cynthia Schneider Drayer). Schneider made the American public aware of Dulce Base, and publicly professed that he knew his days were numbered. It has been determined from The Dulce Papers that Unethical human experimentation at Dulce has been going on, among many other similar MKUl…

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Mnk78 Mnk78 26 March 2019



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Avatartar20 Avatartar20 8 June 2017

New design

Hi all. This Database is worth building on. I know there are other wikis that are similar... but many Wikias revolve around movie fiction. Do not be disheartened...

This wiki is quite awesome because it attempts to seek truth and is not cluttered with too much of the movie fiction aspect. Fiction does play an important role though, as highlighted on the Science Fiction article.

To rekindle this wiki, I posted resources and researchers who also want the truth. There are now over 300 pages on this wiki! It would be nice to see some of the old admins back.

There will be those who do not like this subject (like what's posted below in 2013)... But there is always to hang out at—the skeptics encyclopedia.

Thank the original admins for this really coo…

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Archiphoenic Archiphoenic 9 March 2013


==The largest man carved stone structure building on planet earth. == http://bookstore.xlibris.com/Products/SKU-0126935017/No-Aliens-UFO-Involved.aspx The author acknowledges the need to bring truth to readers over many rumors about how Baalbek was built. It is a new theory unknown to many archeologists and suspicious scientists.It is untrue that aliens existed and were involved in building the megalithic stone temple of Baalbek.

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Optimistoptimist Optimistoptimist 20 July 2010

Personal blog

So it seems blog posts are not part of the wiki in the way I at first expected. Doesn't show up in searches.

I'm not sure how I made the first blog post here, whether I used the tab from my personal user page like I did now, or whether I created the post some other way. But I'm wondering if the following page is for creating some other type of blog post, that is other than posting in one's personal blog:


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Optimistoptimist Optimistoptimist 14 November 2009

Blog post

Ok, does this mean I am officially a blogger now? :-)

Anyway, mainly just wanted to try this out. Will be interested to see if this shows up as a personal blog, or, as I'm guessing from what I read in the description, whether it'll show up as part of some general UFO-Alien Database wiki.

I guess there's not a lot of activity in this wiki lately, from how it looks just now. Hoping that's going to change.

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