UFO-Alien Database

The alien trade, is a supposed Human trade involving aliens of various species,

Utilizing humans as chattel

The human abduction phenomenon gained steam around the Eisenhower Admin( speculated he signed a treaty with certain aliens

Allowing then a few hundred " specimens a year)

Zeta Retuculans ( supposed greys)

Worker caste of aliens

some are used for friendlies and others

for reptilians

Reptilians( want us for food)

Look up Dulce New Mexico

1978 gun battle

And others ( want gold since despite their advanced tech can't replicate it, but it is

Essential to repairing their homeworlds mass atmosphere

Despite our species being chattel, hybrid offspring are produced

Some claim its so the Aliens can safely inhabit earth , because their species may be infected by earth's various viruses or diseases

So they'll grow hybrids, so they can provide immunity

There are a few " friendlies" such as Nordics

Who want to see Human kind evolve into enlightened beings, and some even believe Humans are supposed to

Hwad a intergalactic Alien federation

Not unlike Star Trek
